Isolate & accelerate your website
What is a container?
An (application) container is a lightweight, standalone software package which includes the application (your code), its dependencies/libraries (software it needs to run) and its settings in one place. The nature of being self-contained and portable lends many benefits.What benefits?
When isolating hosted domains using containerisation, it aids:- Availability – Easily moved between differing hardware and environments, helps reduce hardware and maintenance-related outages.
- Performance – Allocating, monitoring and limiting the compute resources on each container ensures all sites are protected against resource abuse and are given appropriate environments.
- Security – Container-specific users and permissions eliminate many risks associated with traditional hosting methods.
- Configuration – Settings and Versions for PHP and other applications are defined within the container making it easy to keep everything within unified and updated.’s approach:

Traditional approach:

Hosted Domains per Container
While you have the flexibility to add multiple hosted domains to a single container, we recommend hosting one domain per container for optimal performance, security, and reliability. Multiple domains in one container can dilute these benefits and may impact our ability to assist with performance or security issues.Balancing your needs with these considerations will help you make the most of our containerised hosting platform.