purely.website Insights
Gmail and Yahoo DMARC Requirements
In October last year, Google & Yahoo announced that any email addresses sending more than 5000 messages a day must have a DMARC record in place. (more…)
Do you need WHOIS privacy protection?
We’ve covered most parts of what a domain name is, the difference between a registry, registrar and registrant and what the WHOIS database is, but in this Insight we are going to discuss WHOIS protection for your domain names for individuals in the EU, UK or Worldwide and whether it can still be necessary. (more…)
Does WordPress outshine website builder platforms?
In the world of website creation there are a lot of decisions to make and many platforms to choose from. Website builder solutions like Squarespace and Wix have simplified the process for many however these platforms come with many hidden limitations and put restrictions that may hinder you and your website long term. In this insight we'll explore the pros and cons of using such a solution versus hosting with purely.website. (more…)
purely.website 2023 Changelog #5
Continuing our ongoing series we're excited to share the latest updates and enhancements at purely.website. (more…)
A guide to registering domain names on behalf of clients
A cautionary guide as to why website designers should register clients' domain names in the client's name rather than their own name. Numerous times over the years of offering domain services, we’ve seen website designers and developers registering their clients’ domain names in their own name rather than the clients name; inevitably, this can lead to various problems. (more…)