What is the WHOIS database?
The WHOIS is a database that is maintained by a registry which provides information about domain name registration and ownership. It includes information about the domain registrant, such as their name, organisation, email address, phone number, address, and the dates of domain creation and expiration.

Is the WHOIS information publicly available?
Historically WHOIS information was publicly accessible to anyone who performed a WHOIS lookup. However, since 2018 the availability of WHOIS data changed due to privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and equivalent Data Protection Act in the United Kingdom. As such the personal information of individuals or organisations based in the EU and UK are protected. For those located in regions not protected by such privacy regulations, WHOIS information may still be publicly accessible.Learn more about demystifying domain names:
- What is a domain name?
- What are the different types of TLDs?
- What is a registry, registrar and registrant?
- What is DNS?
- What is the WHOIS database?
- How do I choose a domain name?
- How do I choose a TLD?
- The future landscape of domain names
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Author: Gavin Kimpton
A founder of Pipe Ten, Gavin has been professionally embedded in the digital sector spanning 3 decades since the original dot com boom of the late nineties. He has extensive experience in the design of many major international website launches and is a seasoned expert in the intricate world of domain registration and management. Gavin has navigated the ever-evolving landscape of internet governance, witnessing the birth of new top-level domains (TLDs) and the proliferation of domain name industry regulations. He spearheaded purely.website to be a Nominet accredited channel partner with a profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between domain names and the broader digital ecosystem.