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  4. Adding AAAA Records

Adding AAAA Records

How to add an AAAA record to your domain name.

Please note: Before proceeding you will need to ensure you have created a DNS zone.

  1. Log in to your purely.website account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. In the left side menu, click Manage DNS.
  4. Find the domain you wish to update/create the A record for.
  5. Click on the edit icon next to your domains DNS zone.
  6. Click the Add Record button.
  7. Set Type to AAAA
    Name: Enter @ to make use of your main domain, or enter .yoursubdomain. to add this as a subdomain.
    TTL: Set how many seconds will elapse before the record is refreshed in the DNS cache. The default record is normally fine.
    RDATA: Enter the IPv6 of the web server. E.g. 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
  8. Click the Confirm button.

That’s it. You’ve now created an AAAA record. Please note any DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to apply.

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