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  4. Setting up your domain with Shopify

Setting up your domain with Shopify

  1. Log in to your purely.website account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. In the left side menu, click Manage DNS.
  4. Find the domain you wish to work with, click Add DNS Zone, Leave the DNS Zone Name default, click Confirm
  5. Add your A record to point to Shopify’s IP address domain settings panel might feature drop-downs or editable fields, or you might have to check boxes or edit a table. You need to complete the following steps:
    • In the Type or Record Type field, enter or choose the @ symbol, or A record.
    • In the Points to field, enter Shopify’s IP address as the destination for the A record.
  6. Save the A Record by clicking Add Record
  7. Change your www CNAME record to point to shops.myshopify.com.
    • Enter or choose the www prefix. Often, you need to provide just the www prefix without the dot, but some domain providers need the whole subdomain www.. Use the existing entries as a guide, or follow your provider’s instructions.
    • Enter shops.myshopify.com as the destination for the CNAME record. CNAME records must always point to a domain name, never to an IP address.
  8. Save the CNAME Record by clicking Add record

Now you need to verify your connection in Shopify.

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