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  4. Migrating your DNS

Migrating your DNS

This guide is aimed for migrating your DNS from the legacy cp.pipeten.co.uk control panel to the purely.website inclusive DNS system, but can also be used for migrating the DNS from other providers.

Finding your legacy DNS records

  1. Login to your legacy hosting control panel, click Domain SettingsDomain Info, Click the edit icon next to the domain you wish to manage.
  2. You will now see the Domain Info page, click the edit icon next to DNS configuration. Here you will find all your existing DNS records.

Purley.Website inclusive DNS

  1. Log in to your purely.website account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. Using the left side menu, click Manage DNS.
  4. You can now use the DNS guides to duplicate your existing DNS over.



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