Domain Names

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  2. Support
  3. Domain Names
  4. Configuring your domains
  5. How do I update my domain name contact/registration details?

How do I update my domain name contact/registration details?

In this guide we walk through the process for updating the contact detail for your domain names.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. Click on the domain you want to update the information on.
  4. Using the left menu, click Contact Information.
  5. You can now either select to use your default contact information for the registrant details or specify custom information.
  6. If you choose Specify custom information, enter all your information, click Save Changes.

Please note: If you change the domain registrant, your domain will be locked for 60 days. During this time you will be unable to transfer the domain to another registrar or account.


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