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  4. How to pay an outstanding invoice

How to pay an outstanding invoice

  1. Login in to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Billing.
  3. Here you will see all your invoices, outstanding and paid.
  4. Click on any outstanding invoices to make the payment.
  5. If you are using a debit/credit card as payment, just click the Pay Now button.
  6. If you are using PayPal, click the Make Payment button and continue through their site.

If you don’t already have a card stored

  1. Login in to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Billing.
  3. Here you will see all your invoices, outstanding and paid.
  4. Click on any outstanding invoices to make the payment.
  5. Under
  6. If you are using a debit/credit card as payment, just click the Pay Now button and add your card details.
  7. If you are using PayPal, click the Make Payment button and continue through their site.
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