Domain Names

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  5. Transferring a domain name away from

Transferring a domain name away from

This guide has been broken down into two sections, .UK domain name transfers & Global domain name transfers.

Transferring .UK domains away from us

This section is exclusively for transferring .UK domains away from

Note: You first need to complete the incoming transfer form with your new provider.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. Click on the Domain name you wish to transfer.
  4. In the left side menu, click Release Your Domain.
  5. Enter your new registrars tag and click the Release Your Domain button.

Your .uk domain has now been transferred over to the new registrar and will of been removed from your domain list.

Global domain name transfers – .COM, .ORG, etc

This second section of the guide is for .com and similar domain names, for any .UK domain names, please see the second part of this guide below.

Note: First you need to ensure you have access to the registrant email for the domain name. This can be checked and updated here.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. Click on the domain name you wish to transfer away.
  4. Using the left side menu, click Registrar lock, turn the Registrar lock off. 
  5. Using the left side menu, click Get EPP Code.
  6. The EPP code will now be emailed to the registrant’s email address to give to the gaining registrar to initiate the transfer.

You can now use the EPP code to initiate the transfer with your new registrar. Note: These transfers can take a week to complete.

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