Domain Names

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  2. Support
  3. Domain Names
  4. Configuring your domains
  5. Locking/Unlocking your domain

Locking/Unlocking your domain

You will need to lock your domain in order to keep it safe. Locked domains cannot be transferred to another registrar or account. When you make changes to a domain’s settings such as updating nameservers or contact information, the domain name will need to be locked again.

Note: This only applies to .com, .org, etc domains. Not .UK domains

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Using the top menu sub menu, click Domains.
  3. Click on the domain you wish to edit.
  4. Using the left side menu, click Registrar Lock.
  5. Here you can toggle the lock status.
  6. You can now transfer the domain name away.
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