ICANN require us to verify registrant contact information.
By being a registrant of a domain name or by changing the registrant name or the email address for existing domains, the registrant needs to verify their contact information.
For new registrations, the registrant must verify their email address. For changes to existing domain names, they must verify the name or email modification.
Note that this verification need to be done within 15 days of the email address or modified contact information.
These emails with either have the title IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for YourDomain.com / Request for email address validation or are real and require attention.
The sending address is one of the following, no-reply@registrant-verification.net, no-reply@domainrenewals.ispapi.net or noreply@emailverification.info. You may also see the 1API, ISPAPI in the email body.
Ensure the sending address is correct before clicking any links within the email. The link should look similar to, http://raa.name-services.com/raaverification/verification.aspx?VerificationCode=XXXXXXXXX or http://emailverification.info?trigger=XXXXXXXXX
When you click the verification link, you should see a page on your domain similar to the following. The only thing it should ask is to resend verification email. It will never ask for your email or any personal details.
- If your current contact information is incorrect: Please use this guide to change the domains contact information.
- Check your email for an email concerning ICANN verification.
- Click the link in the email which looks similar to http://raa.name-services.com/raaverification/verification.aspx?VerificationCode=XXXXXXXXX
- The link in the email is unique to your domain so you are required to click the link in your email NOT the one above.
- Once you click the link, your email address will be instantly verified and there is nothing further for you to do. Your site should come back online within 24-48 hours.
If you have any issues or wish to check please raise a support ticket.