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  5. Forcing HTTPS on your domain

Forcing HTTPS on your domain

In this short, but important guide we are going to walk through the process of forcing (redirecting all traffic) to the HTTPS (secure) version of your domain name. For this process to work, we need to already have an SSL installed and working on your website. You can make use of the included free SSL or purchase a fully managed one from us.

  1. Login to your control panel,
  2. Click on the website you wish to manage
  3. Click Advanced, Security, Then click on the currently active SSL
  4.  Under the Mappings header, click on the domain name, click to toggle force HTTPS, click Save
  5. You will now be presented with a confirmation box, click Enable

That’s it, all your traffic will automatically be redirected to the secure HTTPS version of your domain.

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