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  5. Free SSL – How it works

Free SSL – How it works

We offer free automatic SSL certificates with all hosting packages. These are provided by the certificate authority Lets Encrypt.

When a domain name is added to your hosting account and the nameservers updated to point to the package, the control panel automatically generates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). This CSR is sent then to the Let’s Encrypt’s servers, requesting a SSL certificate. Once the domain is validated, a signed SSL is sent back and installed on your domain.

These SSL certificates are only valid for 90 days at a time, but will renew automatically as long as your domain name is pointed to the account.

When a domain name is added and the nameservers updated, it takes around 1 hour for the free SSL to apply.

Manage, view or refresh the SSL

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Using the left menu, click Websites, then click the domain you wish to manage the SSL on.
  3. Using the top menu click Advanced, then Security.
  4. Here you will see your pre-assigned Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.
  5. Clicking the Kebab icon (3 dots) next to the domain you can Request a new SSL certificate, or view the details of the existing one.
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