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  5. Enabling the OAuth PHP extension

Enabling the OAuth PHP extension

OAuth, is short for Open Authorisation, its a secure system that allows you to log in to websites or applications using your existing accounts from other platforms Google or Apple. Instead of creating a new account and password for every site, OAuth lets you grant permission to the new app to access your information on the original platform. This keeps your passwords secure and simplifies the login process. In this guide we will walk you through the simple process for enabling this PHP extension for you website/domain.

  1. Login to your hosting control panel.
  2. Click on the website you wish to enable OAuth on.
  3. Click AdvancedDeveloper tools.
  4. Under the heading PHP extensions, toggle the OAuth button.
  5. That’s it OAuth is enabled on your website.
  6. You can then if you wish, confirm the OAuth version by creating a PHP Info page.


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