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Steps to replicate

When contacting our support team we may on occasion ask you to provide the “full steps to replicate the problem or error” and this blog post is intended to explain what we mean and why it is needed.


When investigating any reported problem we will typically look at monitoring, logging and graphing first. Often this will be sufficient for us to identify then resolve the issue however quite often an error in a log file will only log the first issue/failure or may not directly relate to the problem you see and we will ask for the steps to replicate.


We want as much information as possible! You can literally not provide us with too much information though what information is relevant depends on the type of problem so we have provided an example below.

A bad example:

I’m receiving an error on my website.

A great example:

I’m receiving an error on my website. You can replicate this using these steps;

  1. Login to using these login details, XXXX / XXXX.
  2. Click posts, enter a title, click Save.
  3. You will be presented with the error message.

It sounds simple, but these steps really do help us with providing you with the best support possible.

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