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  5. Information we need for a smooth move migration

Information we need for a smooth move migration

As part of our web hosting add-ons we now offer professional smooth move™ migration service where we do all the heavy lifting for you.

At present this service is only offered for Linux/PHP web hosting packages with MySQL databases.

Information we need from you for this service,

  • The website/domain you wish to move – The URL of the website, whether it be a subdomain or a TLD.
  • The total size of the current disk space used including the MySQL database size if applicable.
  • The application the website is built with (if applicable) – If your website uses a CMS, WordPress, Drupal or similar.
  • A user/admin login for the website if it has this functionality.
  • If its a custom site and it uses a MySQL database, let us know the connection string location.
  • Control panel login – If you have a control panel with your current provider, we would require these details to check your existing hosting configuration
  • File & Database backup – Either provide us with a way to download these backups or the details to obtain these (see SSH/FTP)
  • DNS/Domain access – Access to your domain name registrar/DNS hosting
  • SSH/FTP access – A user level account.

Please supply this information in our secure migration form and we will evaluate the site and get back to you with the process, migration units & schedule.

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