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  5. Checking Updraft settings and setting remote storage

Checking Updraft settings and setting remote storage

We’ve noticed some massive folders on what should be fairly simple WordPress installations, in many cases this has been incorrectly configured Updraft backups. Ideally your backups shouldn’t be stored on the same account as your website, its a good idea to have them backup to a cloud provider or similar, its also important to mention that our hosting packages include daily website, database and email backups.

This guide assumes you already have Updraft already installed.

Updraft will take a full copy of your website and retain multiple copies, to make sure your backups complete, you need to ensure you have the disk space.

Removing old backups

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. Using the left menu, click Settings, then UpdraftPlus backup.
  3. Under Existing backups you should see your existing backups, check the date and if required download to your local machine, then delete.
  4. You can also manually check the /wp-content/updraft/ folder via FTP or the File manger to ensure they are all removed correctly.

Checking the Updraft Settings

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. Using the left menu, click Settings, then UpdraftPlus backup, click the Settings tab.
  3. Now depending on the importance of your site and frequency of changes, the Files backup schedule/Database backup schedule will vary. As previously mentioned your accounts with us do include daily backups. So if your site is a fairly static brochure site with no changes for weeks at a time. I would set the schedule to weekly and the retention to 2 backups. If you make daily changes, then I would set this to daily and again the the retention to 2 backups.

Remote Storage options

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. Using the left menu, click Settings, then UpdraftPlus backup, Click the Settings tab.
  3. Next to Choose your remote storage, click your preferred host. In this guide we are going to use Google Drive. Select, Google Drive.
  4. Next to Authenticate with Google, click to sign in to your Google Account, choose your google account, then provide Updraft permission to access your drive folders, click Allow.
  5. You will now be presented a orange page, detailing exactly what is happening, click Complete Setup.
  6. If all is well, you should see, Success: you have authenticated your Google Drive account. 
  7. Your backups will now be automatically uploaded to your Google Drive account to the folder, UpdraftPlus.
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