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  5. Using FTP

Using FTP

We recommend the Filzilla FTP client.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Using the left menu, click Websites, then click on the website you wish to set the FTP user on.
  3. Click Advanced, then FTP.
  4. Click Add Account, Enter your username, the password and the directory you with to limit the user to. By default the / directory grants all access.
  5. Once happy with the details, click Add.
  6. That’s it, you can now access your account via FTP using your favourite FTP client. We recommend using the IP address of the server to connect. Click websites, the domain you’re working on, then on the right side you will see the At a glance panel and the Website IP address.

    Details to use:

    Host: 89.248.52.x – use step 6 to confirm.
    Password: The password you chose when you setup the account.

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