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  5. Packages


Here you can create your own hosting packages with the features you would like to offer to your clients.

To access this section, Using the left menu click Settings, Packages then Add Package.


The package name you would like to show your customers. E.g. Super hosting package one!

Website resources

You can set the following custom resources for your reseller hosting packages.

Number of websites

The number of websites allowed per package.

Disk space allowance

The total disk space across all websites.

Monthly page views

The total number of monthly page views (non-unique) across all websites.

Bandwidth allowance

The total monthly data transfer across all websites. Email traffic is excluded.

Number of MySQL databases

The total MySQL databases across all websites. Databases contribute to ‘Disk space allowance’.

Number of FTP accounts

The total FTP accounts across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable.


Here you can set WordPress to be pre installed with selected themes and plugins.

Allow software installer

Allow customer to install WordPress on their sites.

Pre-install application

An application will be preinstalled on all websites added. You can select either WordPress or WooCommerce.

Pre-install plugins

Selected plugins will be pre-installed on all new sites alongside any core WordPress plugins.

Pre-install theme

The selected theme will be pre-installed and activated by default.

Allow WordPress admin lockdown

Allow customer to restrict WordPress admin access to specific IPs.

Allow WordPress plugin manager

Allow customer to activate, deactivate, delete and update plugins.

Allow WordPress user manager

Allow customer to add and manage additional WordPress users.


Number of Mailboxes

The total number of mailboxes across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable if you don’t want to offer an email package.

Mailbox type

This determines the type of mailbox a customer can add.

Dynamic: Let your customers set their own mailbox quotas

Fixed: Limit the quota of all mailboxes

Maximum dynamic mailbox size

If the above is set to dynamic then this is the maximum mailbox size a customer can add.

Number of forwarders-only

The total number of forwarder-only email addresses across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable.


Number of addon domains

The total number of addon domains across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable.

Number of subdomains

The total number of subdomains across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable.

Number of domain aliases

The total number of domain aliases across all websites. Set to ‘0’ to disable.

Allow DNS zone editor and DNSSEC

Allow customer to add, edit and delete DNS zone records and enable / disable DNSSEC.

Allow Gmail DNS auto configuration

Allow customer to auto configure DNS for use with Gmail.


Allow backups

Allow customers to view system generated backups in their account.

Allow self restore backups

Allow customer to restore individual files, mailboxes and whole sites.


Allow self installation of SSL certificates

Allow customer to install third party SSL certificates.

Allow website cloning

Allow customer to create a carbon copy of existing sites. Cloned websites do count towards ‘Websites’.

Allow php.ini editor

Allow customer to add, delete and update directives.

Supported PHP Versions

The PHP versions the user can switch between on a per website basis. You can select all the supported versions, or customise them.

Default PHP Version

The default PHP version for all new websites.

Allow Redis

Allow customer to add, delete and update directives.

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