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Why is my mail going to spam?

Imagine you’re hosting a grand party and you’ve sent out beautifully crafted invitations to your friends. You drop these invitations into the mailbox, confident that they’ll reach your friends in time. However, despite your efforts, many of your friends never receive the invitations.

In this guide we’re going to discuss details to ensure your emails (invitations) are delivered correctly and they don’t end up in spam folders or similar. Here are some common causes for emails being marked as spam:

Improper Email Authentication

Check to ensure your SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is present, you have DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) enabled on your domain, you can also setup DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) records.

Without proper authentication, email providers may flag your messages as suspicious, leading to them being sent to the spam folder. Ensure your domain is correctly configured with these authentication methods to improve email deliverability.

Content Issues

The content of your email is another critical factor. Spam filters scan emails for certain red flags, including:

  • Excessive Use of Capital Letters and Punctuation: Messages with lots of capital letters or multiple exclamation marks (e.g., “BUY NOW!!!”) are often considered spam.
  • Spammy Phrases: Terms like “free,” “guarantee,” “act now,” and “no obligation” can trigger spam filters.
  • Poor Grammar and Spelling: Mistakes in your email can make it appear unprofessional and spammy.
  • Large Attachments: Emails with large attachments can be flagged as spam due to the potential risk of containing malware.
  • Embedded images or large Email signatures: Try to refrain from using too many images and cut down the email signatures.

Subscription Practices

Always use opt-in methods to build your email list, and ensure that recipients have explicitly consented to receive your emails. Implementing a double opt-in process can further validate that the email addresses on your list are legitimate and engaged.

Unsubscribed and Inactive Users

Regularly clean your email list by removing unsubscribed and inactive users to maintain a healthy sender reputation.

Tools is a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their email deliverability and avoid the dreaded spam folder.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the chances of your emails ending up in the spam folder and ensure your communications are received as intended.

If you’ve gone through all the above and are still seeing delivery issues, please raise a support ticket and we will be happy to check for you.

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