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Connecting to Cloudflare

Linking up Cloudflare to your hosting account allows you to synchronise your domains DNS and DNS changes with Cloudflare, so any changes made within your hosting account will be duplicated over to your Cloudflare account.

Note: This requires you to setup your own Cloudflare account and only syncs one way to Cloudflare, changes in Cloudflare will not sync with your hosting account.

You also need to be making use of the Cloudflare nameservers for proper use.

Setting up your Cloudflare token

  1. Login to your Cloudflare account and create a API token using the default DNS template, Next to Edit Zone DNS, click Use Template, leave the Permissions default, under Zone Resources, either select a specific zone (domain) or allow access to all domains in your Cloudflare account.
  2.  Set a TTL if required. Click Continue to summary, if happy, click Create Token.
  3. You will now be presented with your token, take a copy of this as it won’t be shown again!

Adding the Cloudflare Token to your hosting account

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Using the left menu, click Integrations, click Cloudflare, Under Cloudflare API tokens, click Add.
  3. Enter a Friendly name, copy in your API token, click Save.

Assigning a token to your domain

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click Websites then click on the website you wish to manage.
  3. Using the top menu, click Domains, click on the domain.
  4. Under the domain, you will see a Cloudflare Icon and Select API Token, from the drop down menu, select the token using the friendly name you chose.
  5. Confirm you are happy to use the Zone if it already exists in Cloudflare to be replaced, by clicking Continue.
  6. If all is well you should now see a green Connected message.

That’s it your domain names DNS will now sync one way with your Cloudflare account.

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